Daniel A. Eagle Project Update

Hello Troop 701,

Just in case you missed the announcement during the last troop meeting, here’s some important information.

For my Eagle Scout Project, I am currently building bird feeders, with the help of volunteers, for those who don’t have a lot of contact with their family members or friends.  This project is also an easy way to get service hours socially distant.

Currently, I have around 15-20 orders, and six volunteers.  I need more help!  If you are interested in getting a kit or two, let me know.

By either Monday or Tuesday, I will be sending out the bird feeder kits to those who have already signed up.  You don’t have to join the bandwagon before Monday, but let me know as soon as you can, so you will have as much time as you can before I need to turn them all in on Friday the 6th.

Thank you for your attention,

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