Virtual Merit Badge Opportunities

Scouting has many resources that allow you to stay engaged while social distancing. One is a new Facebook group called “Virtual BSA Merit Badge Counselors.” The troop can help you connect to a BSA-registered, Youth Protection Trained counselor for almost any merit badge. There are currently 11 counselors from Lake Erie Council and another 300 counselors from other parts of the country.

To work on a merit badge with a counselor outside the troop, first contact Mr. Evan Smith, our advancement chair, and tell him which merit badge you want to do. Then a Troop 701 adult leader will help you connect with a counselor.

The Lake Erie Council is offering virtual merit badges as well. This week, the council is offering Public Health (Parts 1 & 2), Reptile and Amphibian Study (Part 1), Chemistry, and Nature. Next week, Photography (Parts 1 & 2), Reptile and Amphibian Study (Part 2), and Genealogy will be offered).

Remember you must have your Cyber Chip to work on advancements online. In addition, to comply with BSA Youth Protection guidelines, you must have a parent/guardian or other registered adult leader with you while working online.

For more information or to be connected with a counselor, contact ASM Mr. Joe Wollet at

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