Sales for the Rotary Club Duck Race


Thank you to those of you who have started selling ducks for the annual Rotary Club Duck Race! The Duck Race will take place on Saturday, June 2, at the Cleveland Metroparks Chalet.

The duck sales are a win-win: duck sales help raise funds for the charitable work of the Strongsville Rotary Club (our chartered organization) AND half of all funds return to your scout’s own scout account (please expect a delay of credit for these sales, as all funds must be delivered to the Rotary Club, who then issues a check back to the troop before credits to individual scout accounts can be given).

A paper order form is attached. Please have all checks made payable to BSA Troop 701, and turn in the full amount of checks and cash to Laura before May 25th.

Online sales will continue for an additional week (until June 2). Please note, however, that the Rotary Club cannot credit online sales to a particular scout. If you know that an online sale should be credited to you, you will need to send Laura the full name of the person making the purchase. Only once the purchase is verified by the Rotary Club will we be able to credit your account.

Thank you!

Duck Race Form

Duck Race Sales

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