Parent Driver Protocol

We are so grateful for our parents that step up and transport our scouts to camp and home again every month. A few reminders on parent driver protocol that are good to review:

-Please remember to sign up to drive!
-All passengers must wear seat belts.
-Friday drivers, you can help us a lot by making sure all Scout gear is out of your car before you leave camp.
-Sunday drivers, please arrive at camp on Sunday and park in the main lot for the campground and remain with your vehicle at the parking lot. The Sunday AM camp pack-up is an important responsibility and learning opportunity for scouts. Having parents at the campsite can distract the guys and takes away from the learning experience.

Occasionally we’ll have different Sunday AM driver instructions. If so we will let you know.

  • The rule of thumb for speed limits for BSA camp roads and parking lots is 10 MPH, even if it is not posted.
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